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Ready to jon the BASE program?

The Business Accelerator Service of Estes (BASE) Program is back!


Business Accelerator Service of Estes (BASE) returns on October 21st

The BASE Program is available for any business who has an economic impact on the Estes Valley. The program consists of eleven half-day workshops focused on improving and growing the participants’ business. BASE Program dates are 10/21, 11/4, 11/18, 12/9, 1/6,1/20, 2/3, 2/24, 3/10, 3/24 and 4/7. Thanks to the generosity of the Estes Valley Library, the program will run from 8:30am to 1:00pm in the Hondius room.


This is a “theory light – application heavy” program designed with three key objectives:

  1. To provide tools and techniques for improving the participant’s company by aligning their business model with the realities of a changing business environment. These tools and techniques will be applied either in the class session or as “homework” to be finished before the next session.
  2. To build a cohort that can help one another during and after the program.
  3. To help each leader improve their ability to “intercept the future” of business in Estes Valley.

By the completion of the program, participants will be able to:

  • Define their target customer and, more importantly, their evolution.
  • Express the Value Promise offered to their existing and emerging target customers.
  • Define the changes to their business that are needed to stay relevant to their target customer now and in the future.

Discuss the probable, plausible, and possible state of their business three years hence.


EDWC is proud to work with our new facilitator, Bill Welter. Bill is a consulting-educator with over 50 years of experience spanning four separate careers:  military (USMC), engineering, business consulting, and education. He’s a founding Principal of MindPrep Resource Center, a small business that specializes in helping middle managers, business leaders and professionals become better thinkers and leaders. He does this through writing, workshops, team facilitation, and one-on-one coaching.